Privacy policy

Here you can read about how we process your personal data when you write to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

We are the data controller – how do you contact us?

Danish Road Traffic Authority is the data controller for the processing of the personal data that you send us. You will find our contact information below.

Danish Road Traffic Authority, Sorsigvej 35, 6760 Ribe

CVR: 40850031

Telephone: 72218899


Contact information for the Data protection officer

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, you are always welcome to contact our data protection officer.

You can contact our data protection officer in the following ways:

By e-mail at:
By letter at: Danish Road Traffic Authority, Sorsigvej 35, 6760 Ribe, Att.: Data protection officer

The purpose and legal basis for the processing of your personal data

We process your personal data to carry out the necessary steps to effectively handle your inquiry.

We also process the information in order to achieve an efficient and rational case management and to be able to keep track of which cases the Danish Road Traffic Authority has dealt with.

As a public institution we must follow the general rules of public administration and are therefore obliged to keep records in accordance with the Public Disclosure Act (Offentlighedsloven).

Section 15 of the Public Disclosure Act, subsection 1, obliges us to retain any documents received or sent by an administrative authority as part of administrative case processing, to the extent that the document has significance for a case or the processing of a case in general.

The processing of your personal data is based on the data protection regulation's article 6, paragraph 1, letter e.

If you have sent us sensitive information, these will be processed based on Article 9, paragraph 2 litra f of the Data Protection Regulation.

If you have sent us information about criminal offences, these will be processed based on section 8, subsection 1 and subsection 2 number 3. of the Data Protection Act (databeskyttelsesloven).

Information about social security numbers will be processed based on section 11, subsection 1 of the Data Protection Act (databeskyttelsesloven), and for the purpose of ensuring unique identification of the data subject.

Possible recipients of your personal data

So far as this is necessary for the processing of the case, we may pass on your personal data to other parties. These parties might be other public authorities, which are needed to contribute to the processing of the case.

In certain cases, it may be necessary for us to exchange information with other European authorities. When personal data is passed on to other European authorities, it is done via EU Commission's Information System for the Internal Market, called IMI. We also receive personal data from other European authorities via IMI.

If we receive a request for access to documents in a case, in accordance with the Public Disclosure Act, and your personal data are included in this case, we must normally pass on the information, unless the information is confidential.

If a given inquiry does not relate to our area of ​​administration, the inquiry will be forwarded, if possible, to the appropriate authority, in accordance with section 7, subsection 2, of the Public Administration Act. You will be notified if we forward your inquiry.

Retention of your personal data

Your personal data is stored securely and confidentially in it systems with controlled and limited access, and on servers located on secured premises. We work continuously to protect the confidentiality of the information we process and to secure the information against unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

At this time, we cannot say how long we will store your personal data. However, we can inform you that we will place emphasis on the Danish Road Traffic Authority’s actual need for the storage of the information when determining how long your information will be stored. Information about you is stored for as long as it is necessary to fulfill our obligations as a public authority and to comply with relevant legislation, including the Archives Act (Arkivloven) and the Public Information Act (Offentlighedsloven).

Your rights

You have a number of rights under the Data Protection Regulation and the IMI Regulation in relation to our processing your personal data.

If you want to make use of your rights, please contact us.

Right to information (right of access)

You have the right to access the information we process about you and certain supplementary information.

Right to rectification (correction)

You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.

Right to deletion

In very special cases, you have the right to have your personal data deleted before the deadlines set in our general deletion policy.

Right to restrict processing

In certain situations, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If the processing of your personal data is restricted, we may only process your information - apart from for storage purposes - with your consent, or for the purpose that legal claims can be established, asserted or defended, or to protect a person or important public interests. It should be noted in this context, that archival purposes are to be regarded as important public interests.

Right to object

In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data.

You can read more about your rights on the Danish Data Protection Agency’s website, here.